Keynote – The hunger for God deepens

Colin Dye
Senior Minister

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Scripture is our full, ultimate and infallible guide. It is the very Word of God to us. But the Holy Spirit remains our daily tutor, helper and friend. He takes the Word of God, helps us understand it, and applies it to our hearts. Alongside this function of the Holy Spirit is his prophetic ministry to us. No prophecy in our day carries with it the same weight and authority of Scripture. Every prophetic word must be carefully tested by Scripture and the prophets themselves must be lovingly scrutinised.

When a prophecy has been duly examined it can be a helpful voice into our lives, giving us encouragement and, in some cases, direction. We are experiencing the early stages of “a new move of God”. And it is fragile. We must be as open as we can to what God is doing. And we must foster the deepening hunger for God we are experiencing.

As well as hearing from some you who describe what you are sensing and experiencing for yourselves, this issue of Revival Times presents some encouraging words from a key prophetic figure, Paul Cain. My prayer is that we will all grow in our desire for God, lay hold of a deeper experience of him and give him greater access to the inner recesses of our hearts.

Send in your testimony, your story of how the move of God is impacting your life.
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