Colin Dye
Senior Minister
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London is the ‘Bible belt’ of Britain. We have more Christians and more church-goers than any other city. That means, in comparison to many other places in Britain, London Christians are spoiled for choice.
One thing is certain, every believer needs to be part of an authentic Christian community, a band of fellow-travellers who share a common life, the life of Christ. What defines the KT family, is our desire to respond to God’s invitation to experience his life. Eternal life is not just about where we go when we die, but how we live now and how we find meaning, hope and strength for our journey. One of the things we value highly is that we don’t have to go it alone. We have each other. We journey together.
That is why, above all, we seek to be a welcoming community. We welcome all fellow-travellers on the journey of faith. We welcome believers, unbelievers, and those who are just curious about life. We love gathering in the main celebration services each Sunday. We also delight to meet together in small groups throughout the week to discover what an authentic Christian lifestyle looks like in the world of today.
We are not afraid of grappling with the complex issues of 21st Century culture. But we are not ashamed of our simplicity in Christ. We believe wholeheartedly in the gospel of Christ which calls us to radical Christian living. But we also are sensitive to and curious about every person’s individual journey of discovery.
We believe in God as Creator and Redeemer, that he is active in this world and in every one of our lives. We believe in Christ, the authentic, radical Christ of the gospels, and in his presence in the world. We are serious about discovering his will through his Word, the Scriptures, and living out his plan for our lives in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Discover where you are on the journey and join with us as we take those next steps together.
Gifted for God’s Glory
TACKLING THE GIANTS: Influencing your world by Jill Marie Cooper It’s been a joy with Jill Marie Cooper bringing her special gift to KT this passed year; from solos on a Sunday to performing at the recent Naomi Children Fund concert - whilst catching her passion in...
How Much do You Read your Bible?
by Dr RT Kendall I pray with all my heart that this will be read and spread to ordinary Christians all over the world. A melancholy fact: most Christians do not have a Bible reading plan. Most Christians do not read their Bibles regularly. Some Christians do not read...
The letter of RT Kendall to the UK Church
Best-selling author, speaker and the former leader of London's Westminster Chapel, RT Kendall celebrates his 80th birthday this summer. Premier Christianity magazine asked him to pen an open letter to the UK Church. To my dear brothers and...