What Makes a Move of God Happen?

Colin Dye
Senior Minister

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This is always a difficult question. There are those who say that it’s all down to us. God has spoken and if we position ourselves correctly he will move among us in power. I get that. However, God is not obligated to us. We can wait expectantly, but we cannot ever demand anything from him.

Others tell us that there is nothing that we can do to make it happen. God will move if and when he chooses to. I get that also. God is sovereign. He cannot be manipulated. We can plant, we can nurture, but only God can compel life.

So what then? I believe that there is much that we can do, that God expects us to do. We are called to seek him with all our hearts. He does promise that if we draw close to him, he will draw close to us. We are also obligated to dismiss anything from our lives that offends him or displeases him.

But these things alone do not guarantee that revival will come. Many times in my personal walk with God and in my public ministry, I have reached the crunch point. I look around and make sure that I have done all that I can do to honour God.

Then I know, the situation has to be handed over to the Lord. My prayer in these crucial moments is always, “Now Lord,  please do what only you can do.” My dependence on him becomes total. And, by his grace and mercy, I have often seen God  step in. My prayer right now is identical: “Please Lord, manifest yourself once again to your people, and do what only YOU can do.”


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