The Odours of London

Colin Dye
Senior Minister

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A trip down Portobello Road on market day is good exercise for the nose.
Everything from fish to curry, joss sticks to soaps, pavement BBQ to steamy kitchens, all make for an overload of the olfactory
senses. But there is a rare and life-giving scent which stands out. The fragrance of Christ.

I watch an elderly lady with wizened hands and an angelic smile handing out tracts in Notting Hill. Behind her are the bells of St Peter’s, and here and there I see other signs of the presence of the church in our community. Just down the road, one of our Network pastors, Jacqueline Brown, is busy with a team of her faithful perfumers giving off fresh aromas of the gospel.

How wonderful that all over our city of “smudge and smell” we have people Monday to Saturday offering up to God the incense of prayer, the fragrance of worship, and the fresh news of the gospel.

There is nothing like a good fragrance. We are often willing to pay a high price for a good perfume. But the fragrance of Christ is free, and must be released into the population who long for the scent of heaven.

We must do all that we can to spread the aroma of life, the purifying, sin-destroying, spiritual de-odorant of the pure good news of the gospel. Let’s make our city smell better!


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