A Call to 72 Hours of Prayer & Fasting for all KTLCC

by | Aug 23, 2020

72hr Prayer schedule

Friday 4th

Theme: Drawing near to God (Psalm 42:1-4)

Time Prayer Focus Prayer Points
Midnight-1am “Psalm 42:1-2
As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?”
Cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness
1am-2am Pray that we might prioritise the presence of God
2am-3am Pray for a deep hunger and thirst for the Living God
3am-4am Pray for a desire to fully know God’s Word and live by it
4am-5am Acknowledge that God, and he alone, can meet our needs
5am-6am Pray for the people of God to put their trust in God, and God alone, not in material things
6am-7am Pray for the Church to recognise essential truths about God which are being ignored or discarded by society
7am-8am Pray against worldly thinking and influences in the lives of the believers
8am-9am Pray that there will be correction in society, but that God will work through the church beginning with us
9am-10am Pray for Christians everywhere (including ourselves) to be salt and light in society
10am-11am Pray that we would influence our schools, colleges and workplaces, that our faith would stand out and make a difference.
11am-12noon Pray that we would shine Christs light in our communities & neighbourhoods
12noon-1pm Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom , The integrity of the upright guides them. Pray for humility
1pm-2pm Pray for integrity
2pm-3pm Ephesians 4:2 With all humility and gentleness. With patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Pray for unity
3pm-4pm Pray for love
4pm-5pm Psalm 34:8 Oh ,taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him The Lord is calling us to be hungry for Him and his presence above everything else, putting God first drawing closer in an intimate relationship with Him
5pm-6pm Pray for the love of God to consume us: love and compassion for one another. For God’s forgiveness to be seen in the Body of Christ
6pm-7pm Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the see Prayer is the preparation to see Gods word fulfilled and to see the Holy Spirit change lives not by human effort.
7pm-8pm Praying for revival for the earth to be filled with the glory of God. Pray for family members and friends, especially souls to be saved.
8pm-9pm Psalm 107:9 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness Praying that God’s presence will satisfy our souls in everything and that His presence will be enough daily
9pm-10pm Pray that that He will satisfy our hungry souls with His presence and with the fruit of the Holy Spirit
10pm-11pm Galatians 5:22&23 Fruit of the Spirit love, joy peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Fruit grows on healthy branches and receives the nourishment from the Holy Spirit to keep on growing. Pray that we will be so tuned to the Holy Spirit for our daily nourishment
11pm-Midnight Pray for Christian maturity – that we will complete in Christ. That God will dwell in us so that we can influence society

Saturday 5th

Theme: Aligning with the KTLCC Vision (Acts 26:19)

Time Prayer Focus Prayer Points
Midnight-1am Revelation of the vision through the Holy Spirit
(Acts 26:16 &18)
That the Holy Spirit will personally reveal to all the church the depth and breadth of His mission for the cell vision in KTLCC
1am-2am Pray for each person to accept their part in seeing the vision fulfilled
2am-3am Agreement and implementation of the vision (Habakkuk 2:2-3) That the KTLCC church community will buy into and accept the vision given to the church leadership (including the cell structure and how it operates) as we enter into a new season of what God wants to do with the cell vision.
3am-4am That church members will spend time and effort in asking God how they can be more effective in the vision
4am-5am Making the vision a priority
(Mathew 6:33, Luke 14:26)
Pray that evangelism, discipleship and church planting and missionary work shall be the priority of all the KTLCC church members
5am-6am we will not be preoccupied with the things that are not the main thing God called us into the kingdom for (even the nice/good things like family, job, education, business)
6am-7am Unity of the vision
(Amos 3:3)
That there will be unity in the senior leadership of the church on the vision God has given KTLCC and how to implement it.
7am-8am There shall be agreement at the board level how the vision should be executed.
8am-9am Passion for the Vision
(Hebrews 12:2, Matthew 11:29-30)
That the church members will have passion for the cell vision
9am-10am Pray that it will be not burdonsome, and that God will make a way for each one to serve
10am-11am Protection of the vision against attacks
(2 Samuel 23: 12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
Prayer against spiritual attacks against the vision Prayer against thoughts, ideas, criticism, discontent, backbiting, unbelief and anything else that comes against the vision or dilute its power or effectiveness.
11am-12noon Pray that the Holy Spirit will give us wisdom to answer any false arguments that oppose the vision of God
12noon-1pm Prayer against division on how to implement the vision (Mark 3:25) Pray that there will be one understanding and implementation of the vision as laid out in the cell vision handbook and other material
1pm-2pm Pray for good understanding as we communicate the vision to one another and to new cell members
2pm-3pm Constant Prayer for the success of the vision
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
That church members will be in constant prayer around the success of the vision.
3pm-4pm Prayer that God will increase the numbers of those who don’t know God to come to the Lord
4pm-5pm Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the vision of KT
(Haggai 2: 9)
Pray for the fulfilment of the prophecy over KT – “The glory of the latter days will be greater than the former”
5pm-6pm Pray into the words of Canon James Wong: For Kensington Temple to reach its destiny with God it must become the greatest disciple making church in London
6pm-7pm Refreshing of the Vision in the hearts of God’s people
(Isaiah 43:19)
Prayer that we will not talk about the legacy and history only of KT, but we shall see new signs and wonders that God is doing something new in our day and time.
7pm-8pm That our spiritual eyes and ears will be open for what God wants to do in this new season concerning the vision
8pm-9pm Right strategies for the vision That God will use the Alpha program, the leadership training program, friendship evangelism, and all the other God ordained initiatives to help advance his vision for KTLCC
9pm-10pm Pray for the disciple-making vision to spread through overseas missions in the 10:40 window and across the world through KTLCC ‘alumni’
10pm-11pm Financing the Vision
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
That KTLCC members will give gladly to all the above causes in a spirit of generosity and gladness knowing that they are investing in the kingdom and good soil (which will reap a physical and spiritual harvest)
11pm-Midnight Pray for provision for people to engage with materials and programs such as encounter and other training events

Sunday 6th

Theme: Reaching the Lost (Isaiah 60:18)

Time Prayer Lines Prayer Points
Midnight-1am Violence shall no more be heard in thy land. For Jesus, The Prince of Peace, to bring salvation and prosperity in London, UK, the ends of the earth through members of KTLCC both individually and corporately with unity and in one voice, led by the One Voice of God.
1am-2am For God to remove divisions, disagreements, disputes, dissatisfactions and bring us together as one team with our eyes focussed on his Kingdom.
2am-3am An end to Wasting Declare that the waste of life and property; cities, towns, and villages; and the dissolution of communities which occur when the enemy attacks God’s people shall stop.
3am-4am Pray that every place that calls upon the Name of the Lord be saved.
4am-5am Rebuke destruction Pray for the rebuilding of physical and Spiritual walls of KTLCC. That everyone be mobilised to reach out to the lost with renewed vigour, passion, zeal and desire to see a move of God in the church and the nation.
5am-6am That the cry of the lost will be heard by all at KTLCC. For passion to arise in the hearts of God’s people for all to hear and receive the good news.
6am-7am Tear down enemy strongholds Tear down all obstacles that stand in the way of our friends, family, colleagues and community receiving Jesus.
7am-8am Pray for prophetic evangelism, at we would see the strongholds of the mind that are blinding people to the truth of the gospel
8am-9am Reaching out to the borders of our city Pray that God will dispatch and distribute individuals and groups to all parts of the city (then country and world) to reach out and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Saviour to bring about peace, prosperity and security.
9am-10am Cells to be planted in every part of the city
10am-11am Walls of Salvation Pray that all KTLCC members truly grasp the concept of what it is to be saved. That they will live securely within their walls, and shall speak of them as protection and salvation. That the time will come when the KTLCC shall have no reason to be apprehensive about anything and will feel no need of any other walls but the salvation of God
11am-12noon The Holy Spirit to destroy the strong arm of the enemy seeking to break the protective walls given to the church through salvation.
12noon-1pm Experience all the gifts of salvation Pray that as souls get saved, they will experience a threefold salvation. • First, to be saved from the condemnation of sin
1pm-2pm • Second, to be saved from the power of sin / • Third, to be saved from the conflict and presence of sin.
2pm-3pm Enjoy the power of salvation Pray that from this they will receive a threefold wall of salvation operating in their lives: • towards the enemy, a wall of fire; to them, a shelter. • and that whatever comes through that wall to touch them will have to first touch and pierce their Saviour, Christ Jesus.
3pm-4pm Pray that the walls of consolidation and discipleship will be strong and complete.
4pm-5pm Gates of Praise Pray that KTLCC will be a place of security , and everywhere the praises of God would be celebrated. That the celebration and praises will usher in souls and turn the hearts of people to God.
5pm-6pm Pray that God will inhabit the praises of individuals, cell groups and the rest of KTLCC. They will go and reach out in praise, thanksgiving and gratitude. The joy of the Lord will be their strength to do the work of an evangelist
6pm-7pm The power of praise Pray that the church shall have no need for any other gates but that of praise
7pm-8pm Pray for a spirit of praise to spring forth among individuals, cell groups and the whole of KTLCC, effecting and affecting everyone they meet and everywhere they are for the purposes of winning the lost to Christ.
8pm-9pm Spiritual boldness That we would yield to the Holy Spirit as he dwells in us, we would walk wherever he tells us and speak with his voice
9pm-10pm An outpouring of the supernatural gifts that seize the attention of the unsaved and point them to Jesus
10pm-11pm Armed and ready Be ready for the many different ways God can use you to impact someone with the Gospel. Wherever you are, whatever time, whoever it may be, however God chooses to do it.
11pm-Midnight Evangelism teams to raise up, especially those ready to impact specific areas (tacking the giants)

Kensington Park Road
Notting Hill Gate
W11 3BY

T 020 7908 1700


Registered charity No 251549

KT Summit House
100 Hanger Lane
W5 1EZ


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