Revival Times

Articles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!

Church without walls

Cell church is church without walls. People are reached right where they are. Christian witness happens in the market place and not just in the meeting place. Beginning with the obstacle of building-bound church, barriers between us and the lost are broken down and removed. The cells build bridges for the community to see Christ in action.

Cultures are penetrated through the informality and accessibility of cell ministry. Discipleship happens through relationships formed from within the heart of the non-Christian community and not merely through church programmes which appear to be mere religious institutions to those outside.

This is the church as it is meant to be – not a closed book, but “living letters, known and read by the world”. This is the vision of Christ, the very heart of God expressed in the living, breathing body of Christ on the earth. The plan has not changed. God is still working out his purposes on the earth through his church. Every believer in Christ is a part of it, and cell church enables the vision to become a reality.

Colin Dye

Colin Dye

Senior Minister of Kensington Temple

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and his blog:

Pioneering Online Bible School

Pioneering Online Bible School

[2 minute read] Senior Minister Colin Dye has launched a pioneering online Bible school for the converts from Islam in Central Asia and Caucasus. The Bible school is using Colin’s Sword of the Spirit video series which has been translated into Russian as a study material, and it includes live interactive teaching sessions where believers in the region can find answers to difficult questions.

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Believe and be baptised

Believe and be baptised

[1 minute read] Sunday 18 April was a great day at Kensington Temple as 30 people gathered with family and friends at 2pm, first for a reminder of previous teaching on baptism and then to be ministered to. Some had the joy of being baptised with the Holy Spirit immediately before going through the waters of baptism.

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A Tribute to Carol Liardon

A Tribute to Carol Liardon

[2 minute read]
Many of us know Roberts Liardon. He s a great friend of Kensington Temple and has visited many times. Less well known to us personally, but playing a vital role in his ministry is his mother, Carol, who passed away earlier this month. Click for video from Colin Dye.

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The meeting place is the learning place for the marketplace

The meeting place is the learning place for the marketplace

[ 3 minute read] Back to the office as the roadmap to ending lockdown unfolds

Monday 12 April was a very big day in our country as it marked the re-opening of outdoor cafes, restaurants and pubs, as well as hairdressers, gyms, and swimming pools. Seeing the High Street busy and shopping and town centres come alive again, one senses a cautious sense of euphoria.

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KTLCC Finance Update

KTLCC Finance Update

[2 minute read] Following the completion of the external audit of the Church’s accounts for the financial year ended 30th September 2020, we are delighted to be able to present a short financial update setting out some of the financial highlights.

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X-change – Staying in touch!

X-change – Staying in touch!

[ 3 minute read] Imagine a world where you can ask a question, make a request, register for training, or book time with a pastor without having to contact or go into Kensington Temple. Welcome to X-change – Kensington Temple’s own one-stop online system designed for you.

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A Giant Step Forward

A Giant Step Forward

[4 minute read] Following the Understanding the Times webinar on 23 January we want to move forward in the 2020 Vision aim: to see every “giant” represented in KTLCC pursuing at least one major transformational change in that area of influence.

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Revival Times May 2024

Revival Times May 2024

Revival Times BlogArticles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!PAST ISSUES November 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 Feb 2020 Jan 2020 Dec 2019 Nov 2019 Oct 2019 Sept...

Revival Times April 2024

Revival Times April 2024

Revival Times BlogArticles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!PAST ISSUES November 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 Feb 2020 Jan 2020 Dec 2019 Nov 2019 Oct 2019 Sept...

Revival Times March 2024

Revival Times March 2024

Revival Times BlogArticles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!PAST ISSUES November 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 Feb 2020 Jan 2020 Dec 2019 Nov 2019 Oct 2019 Sept...

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