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Shout it out: From miscarriage to miracle

For Tubo and Vanessa 2020 was a tumultuous year as they went from news of miscarriage to the birth of their second child – all during the Covid-19 lockdown.


Vanessa introduced Tubo (also known as Nimi) to KT in 2016 where he was welcomed by Remi Alaran who became his cell leader. In December of 2019 they became pregnant with their second child. Six weeks later Vanessa showed signs of miscarriage and in February 2020 this was confirmed by a hospital scan.

In March Vanessa became pregnant again. Six weeks later she went for a walk but became unwell, showing signs of another miscarriage. Tubo rushed home and got her to rest. He prayed but felt very distraught and he kept saying “not again Lord”. As this was at the height of the first lockdown he decided they would not go to the hospital but to trust the Lord and keep on praying. After one and a half weeks bleeding subsided but then began again.

As it worsened Tubo and Vanessa decided that she would need to go to the hospital. But they maintained prayer and trust and belief that God was in control.

At at the hospital a nurse referred her to the early pregnancy unit and wrote on the documents: “confirmed miscarriage”. The unit was not open so Vanessa called Tubo to explain what had happened and that she needed to wait until the unit opened in 2 hours’ time. Tubo’s response was, “we are going to pray one more time and believe God”.

In the early pregnancy unit Vanessa was attended by the same doctor and nurse she had met in February when the previous miscarriage had been confirmed.

They began the scan and became silent. Vanessa was afraid wondering what had happened, and how much worse things could get. Finally the doctor and nurse turned to her and declared that there was a healthy baby in Vanessa’s womb. Vanessa’s emotions were everywhere, how do you go from being given the news of another miscarriage to the realisation that God has answered prayer and they were expecting a healthy baby?

Vanessa called Tubo who was over the moon, giving glory God, who heard their prayers. God came through in their darkest hours and, to put the icing on the cake, at her 28 week scan in July Vanessa learned that they would be having a son as they desired.

The story doesn’t end there though, as they needed to call upon the Lord again for the delivery of their son – on Tubo’s birthday!!

Watch Tubo and Vanessa’s full story here.

The space where personal testimonies are shared! Be strengthened and encouraged as you find out what God is doing in our lives.

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Claudeth Hitchman

Claudeth Hitchman

Associate Minister

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