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Show and Tell on the buses

Never have I felt so challenged about sharing my faith. To step up to the plate and publicly throw out the lifeline as a follower of Jesus during lockdown was a startling thought.


Beverly (centre) with some cell members

I awoke from a dream with a fading image of me having shared the gospel message on public transport. In general, I rarely dream but when I do it is unusual for me to recall it. However, the hazy memory of this dream was hastily pushed to the back of my mind with the thought “not today Lord”. The very notion was so outlandish to my personality and way of thinking.

Fast forward a few weeks to our Energise Women’s Net gathering in October. The invited guest speaker encouraged us to “test drive our new life and do something (for God) that we have never done before”. She continued with words of encouragement, activation and motivation.

During this current lockdown season we quite often revisit one of the weekly sermons during our regular cell gatherings. I generally prepare in advance by re-listening to a message to stimulate discussions, challenge, build and sharpen my cell members.

As I listened to this particular message for the second time I found myself responding to the challenge to “do something you haven’t done before” So I dared to ask the question in prayer, “What would you like me to do Lord?” It was a set up! Immediately the fading memory of the dream I had pushed to one side re-appeared. It was unavoidable. The dream had to be activated and become my living reality. I have stepped out and shared my faith before but never in such a dramatic manner. When the late Billy Graham died I had been challenged to share my faith. It was a turning point for me. However this challenge was new and different. It represented a distinct level of trust and obedience. The night before I decided to step out and share for the first time was a little nerve-wracking and I recall waking up earlier than usual to rehearse my ‘lines’.

Today, two short bus journeys to and from work travelling on the upper and lower deck will see me introducing myself by name to fellow passengers. Positioning myself for maximum coverage I preface my words of encouragement by acknowledging that sharing in this way was unusual but that the times in which we live were equally as unique hence my reason for sharing. I continue by quoting a verse from “God’s heart to their hearts” or giving a short explanation in my own words sharing the love of God and how much they matter to Him. I end by thanking them for listening – even when they look like they are totally ignoring me – and wish them a pleasant day.

I have met with mixed reactions. Some ask more questions, like the name or denomination of my church. Others thank me by name for sharing such beautiful words. Sometimes I receive a round of applause. Still others engage in short conversations. On one occasion a lady began to weep as she shared that she too was a born again believer and that the words shared ministered to her in a particular situation she was experiencing.

In general the response has been warm and encouraging but there have been a couple of occasions when my sharing was met with open hostility. Stepping out has been an adventure. To show and tell the good news of the gospel has never felt so urgent or timely. Who knows what type of soil the words have fallen on as the good news is aired “on the buses” in these testing times.


Beverly Williams

Beverly Williams

KT Staff Member

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