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Every day, battles rage as nations or people groups try to establish supremacy over parts of the earth. Most people believe that ‘might’ will triumph over ‘right’ in the end, but Jesus suggests something different:
“The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Meek people are not weak people; their strength is self-controlled; they are submissive, non-defensive, open to correction, considerate of others, seeking the benefit of others rather than personal gain; they waive their rights in order to serve others; they are merciful and forgiving.
They do not engage in “power play”. They guide rather than control; They do not dominate or seek the highest place. They do not seek recognition. They build up rather than tear down; they are prepared to suffer loss, if it is for the benefit of others; they waive their rights, if it means others can be elevated; they take the lowest place to encourage others to shine; they serve others rather than expecting others to serve them.
They are prepared to be misunderstood and maligned by others because they are not bound by the fear or praise of men. They are not doormats because they stand for truth and are not afraid to speak it when necessary. They have no pride in their own achievements, but rather enable others to achieve. They lack self-importance, are non-entitled and non-demanding.
They are not easily offended. They are non-critical, non-judgemental, empathic, not hard-hearted; they promote others above themselves. They bear all things, endure all things and do not look for self-vindication, but trust Christ in all things.
They pursue Christ’s glory rather than their own glory. They are not boastful or arrogant. They know that they do not deserve one good thing in and of themselves, but that in Christ they possess all things. They glory in the grace of God; they glory in the cross; they deny self in order to gain Christ.
They are secure in who they are. They draw attention to Christ, not themselves. They are followers of Christ who said:
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ESV
Colin Dye
Senior Minister of Kensington Temple
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Working Together with God
Colin Dye Senior Minister Follow Colin Dye on: and his blog: It’s a labour of love. There’s no other way of describing it. Faith is active and it always works through love. Acceptance lies at the heart of the gospel. God,...
What Makes a Move of God Happen?
Colin Dye Senior Minister Follow Colin Dye on: and his blog: This is always a difficult question. There are those who say that it’s all down to us. God has spoken and if we position ourselves correctly he will move among...
Keynote – The hunger for God deepens
Colin Dye Senior Minister Follow Colin Dye on: and his blog: Scripture is our full, ultimate and infallible guide. It is the very Word of God to us. But the Holy Spirit remains our daily tutor, helper and...
Keynote – A Time to Shine!
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The Striking of a Spiritual Match
Could it be that a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit is on its way from heaven to earth? Many prophetic voices from all across the world are telling us to prepare our hearts for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit in the coming days. The prophetic...
Keynote – Ignite the Flame
Colin Dye Senior Leader Light a flame within my soul Holy Fire Consume my all Spirit blaze Shine out of me And burn for all the world to see! On Sunday 19 November at the KT 6pm service I symbolically and prophetically struck a...
Overcoming the ‘Rat Race’
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Keynote – Jesus, the peace-child
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Martin Luther – Celebrating 500 Years Since the Beginning of the Reformation Part 4
In the fourth and final part of his series Associate Pastor Bruce Atkinson gives a broad overview of what we mean when we use the term Reformation. Alister McGrath in his excellent book Reformation Thought: an Introduction explains that when we...
Keynote: The power of thanksgiving
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 The cultivation of a grateful heart is essential to successfully living a fruitful life for God. Prayer with...
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