Revival Times

Articles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!

And how can they hear unless someone tells them?

A year ago when you walked down a busy road, or a high street, you would find a number of cafes, bars, and pubs – many of them playing music. You would find people standing outside because there isn’t enough room inside – drinking, laughing and having a great time. When I see the crowds hanging by the entrance or outside, I am reminded of Matthew 9:37 “The harvest is plentiful…” and indeed, it really is.

Reveal Lounge live events present the gospel through music, spoken word and participation!

So, how do we get their attention? How do we share the gospel message with them? Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “when I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.”

We know people love music and the arts. So, we take the gospel message to them through music and the arts. We host a music, poetry and dance night right there in the café, pub or bar. It’s cosy – they like that. There’s food, coffee, tea, and drinks – they like that. And we call it the Reveal Lounge.

You might say, what about 2 Corinthians 6:17 where Paul writes, “Therefore, Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord….”? If we get too close to people who don’t know God or who spend all their hours in the pub, we might be contaminated. No, the scripture is not talking about being physically distant from people but being distinct in our attitudes, values and in our actions.

We have been hosting the Reveal Lounge in pubs, bars and cafes for a few years. It is a great way of sharing the gospel and we have seen people give their lives to Christ. However, because of the lockdown, we have taken it online.

Last November we hosted 3 events online. Ladies in my cell group invited their colleagues, friends and Evangelism of 3. Angie invited her friend, who hadn’t been to church in a few years. The lady rededicated her life to Christ at Reveal Lounge and she joined our cell group. She told me that her husband was curious and wanted to know more about God. I asked her if he would be willing to speak with me. She asked him, and he agreed. We arranged a phone meeting to talk, I shared the gospel message with him, and he gave his life to Christ. Afterwards, when he gave the phone back to his wife, she told me that he had a huge grin on his face. Glory to God.

On Easter Monday – 5th April at 7pm, KTTV is airing our online Reveal Lounge Easter Special.

You can be a part of this outreach by inviting your unsaved friends, colleagues, Evangelism of 3 and relatives to login and watch online. You can host a watch party so that you can be with them and engage in conversations about the songs, poetry, interviews, and gospel message.

Or you can follow them up afterwards. Ask them if they have any questions or ask them what they thought about the gospel message.

Start praying for them today:
• That they will accept your invitation and join us at 7pm on Easter Monday.
• For the Lord to soften their hearts, remove any stones or impediments.
• That their hearts will be open and receptive to the gospel message.
• And that they will be saved!

So, let’s go fishing, let’s have faith and dream together. If everyone reading this were to invite your Evangelism of 3 – or at least one unbeliever – and begin to pray for them from today, that would be great harvest of souls.

We hope very soon to host Reveal Lounge in Trafalgar Square, in the car park of a drive-through restaurant, and in a shopping centre. Watch out for more details. Come along, invite your friends, bring your family, and join us in engaging in conversations with people about Jesus.

Join the Reveal Lounge on Easter Monday 5th April at 7pm on KTTV

Check out some recent videos by the  Reveal Lounge on KTTV

Lola Arigbabu

KT Member

Living under the High Favour of God

Living under the High Favour of God

[6 minute read] I cannot imagine anything more life-enriching than knowing that I am blessed and highly favoured by God. All the great Bible characters were not so great in themselves, but the moment the favour of God touched them, they changed nations and fulfilled their destinies.

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Abundance: Faith in Times of Financial Testing

Abundance: Faith in Times of Financial Testing

[6 minute read] The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

Jesus came to bring you the full and abundant life of His kingdom. This life, is the rich, spiritual life of God Himself that overflows into His creation. When God made the world, He provided for it in abundance. It was teeming with life!

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