Revival Times

Articles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more!


Every day, battles rage as nations or people groups try to establish supremacy over parts of the earth. Most people believe that ‘might’ will triumph over ‘right’ in the end, but Jesus suggests something different:

“The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Meek people are not weak people; their strength is self-controlled; they are submissive, non-defensive, open to correction, considerate of others, seeking the benefit of others rather than personal gain; they waive their rights in order to serve others; they are merciful and forgiving.

They do not engage in “power play”. They guide rather than control; They do not dominate or seek the highest place. They do not seek recognition. They build up rather than tear down; they are prepared to suffer loss, if it is for the benefit of others; they waive their rights, if it means others can be elevated; they take the lowest place to encourage others to shine; they serve others rather than expecting others to serve them.

They are prepared to be misunderstood and maligned by others because they are not bound by the fear or praise of men. They are not doormats because they stand for truth and are not afraid to speak it when necessary. They have no pride in their own achievements, but rather enable others to achieve. They lack self-importance, are non-entitled and non-demanding.

They are not easily offended. They are non-critical, non-judgemental, empathic, not hard-hearted; they promote others above themselves. They bear all things, endure all things and do not look for self-vindication, but trust Christ in all things.

They pursue Christ’s glory rather than their own glory. They are not boastful or arrogant. They know that they do not deserve one good thing in and of themselves, but that in Christ they possess all things. They glory in the grace of God; they glory in the cross; they deny self in order to gain Christ.
They are secure in who they are. They draw attention to Christ, not themselves. They are followers of Christ who said:

Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ESV

Colin Dye

Colin Dye

Senior Minister of Kensington Temple

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Pray until you see breakthrough

Pray until you see breakthrough

Revival TimesArticles, Events, Bible Readings, Testimonies, Highlights and more! 1 Timothy 2:1 is a remarkable summary and a pattern of the complete prayer process from taking your needs to God to giving thanks for breakthrough. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 says, “First of all,...

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How Fortunate are the Peacemakers

How Fortunate are the Peacemakers

[4 min read] It is a basic feature of flawed humanity to want to control, to dominate, to be powerful. But this is not Jesus’ way. He did not commend the warriors or the rulers, the powerful or the leaders, instead he said: ‘How fortunate are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God’.

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Rejuvenated in God

Rejuvenated in God

Have you noticed in life things get old and wear out? Your jeans, your shoes, your car. We sometimes push them to their very limit, squeezing that very last mile out of them; one might even say we run them into the ground.

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Starting up a Christian Group at work

Starting up a Christian Group at work

Over the last year, our church family has learnt a huge amount about doing things online, and our work by the ‘Giants’ groups in equipping our church did not slow down. Now, as more and more of us return to places of work, we are reminded of our harvest field with the number of close relationships we tend to develop in the workplace.

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Pioneering Online Bible School

Pioneering Online Bible School

[2 minute read] Senior Minister Colin Dye has launched a pioneering online Bible school for the converts from Islam in Central Asia and Caucasus. The Bible school is using Colin’s Sword of the Spirit video series which has been translated into Russian as a study material, and it includes live interactive teaching sessions where believers in the region can find answers to difficult questions.

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Revival Times October 2024

Revival Times October 2024

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